The What if Society

UI/UX | Web Design
Project Overview
Website design for a food focused cooperative bringing you the Highlands best, through events, workshops, a market stall and a pop up. What if as a society we all started living a sustainable life?
Site Build, Shop, Integrated blog and calendar, subscriptions, popups, data capture (Mail Chimp, Memberstacks).
My Contributions
Mocking up wire-frames, planning and researching user journeys, building the responsive website and integrating all forms of data capture.

Link to Site:
The original wire-frames for the site were mocked up in XD based on market research and client feedback/briefing. The feedback could be given using the review tool within XD which helped greatly with the time difference with the client but it was essential to find times that did work for both sides to make sure we were on the same side to create the best final product.
Site Planning
When moving the site from wire-frames to a functioning piece it is essential to plan. Some assets were not available for population but knowing what sort of assets and items are needed is the next best thing. I categorised all the different fields to build the CMS meaning that when assets were ready we could populate the site with ease knowing they will fit perfectly in the spot of placeholders. Communicating with the client made this whole process much easier so that we could make sure the whole build ran smoothly.
Prototyping, IA and user flow
As this was quite a large site a lot of planning was needed to maintain a smooth customer journey across the site. Working with flow diagrams I was able to map and plan all the various routes across the site whether it be a simple navigation menu or a pop up that sends the user to sign up to a subscription from an external source. This was also put into practice for data capture and use within the shop.
Link to Prototype
Click image to enlarge